Vows… HELP!!
Writing personal vows to the love of your life can be the most daunting part of your ceremony. But I’m here to help with my top tips for writing vows.
Start Early
My first piece of advise is to start early. Make yourself a little file in your phone, or a page in a journal and start writing down the cute, funny and heart warming moments that happen with your partner. Maybe they bring you in a morning cuppa, or come out dressed in clothes that match your outfit. Every time your hearts sings and you think, ‘shit I love you’ those are the moments that you need to write down.
When it starts getting close to your big day, pull this list of love out and you have a little bank of ideas.
Set Some Rules
A lot of my couples worry about the length of their vows matching their partners and how to structure their words. The best way to keep them pretty even is to set some ground rules. You may decide on a love letter style with a set number of words or a list of 3 serious promises and 2 funny ones.
Send them in Early
I like to print your vows onto a pretty card for you to read on the day, so getting them to me a fortnight before your big day helps me to stay organised.
There are the legal vows that you are required to say before your personal vows too. These words are “I call upon the people here present, to witness that I (your full legal name) take you (your partners full legal name) to be my lawful wedded wife/husband/partner’
I will print these at the top of the cards so you can read them first before your personal words.
When you send them in, I will also have a read over them and recommend any changes that you may wish to make.
In the end, your vows are putting words to the feelings you have in your heart for the one you love, and there is no limit on that.
But if you have left it to the last minute, and are stuck on what to write, here are some examples from some of my couples, that can give you a kick start. (Names changed for privacy)
I love you, since the very first time I saw you.
I knew back then I will marry you one day.
You make me a better man
I will climb the tallest mountain & dive the deepest ocean to be with you as nothing is impossible if I have you by my side.
I promise you to always support you, protect you, look after you, do crafting with you and enjoy the way you cook.
My princess my queen the center of my universe. Yours today, tomorrow & always.
Joe, today I give you my hand and my heart.
I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard.
I love you
I promise to love you, to be with you, to support you and to hear you
I promise to walk with you, to learn with you, to grow with you and to challenge you
I promise to frustrate you, to annoy you, to be annoyed by you
I promise to always find you, and be found by you when we are lost.
I promise to think about you every day, in everything, to have you as my other half.
I promise to console you, consult you, debate with you and to ask you before I buy expensive things.
I never would have imagined that out of all the people in this world, I would find someone as special as you
You are my best friend and my true love
You help & support me to achieve all my goals in life
My love only grows deeper with each day we are
I love you from here to infinity + 1
My life is only complete with you
My love
You are my best friend and my favourite human all in one person. You are the person who I want to grow old with, and to raise a family with, because when you love someone, its not for a minute, or just for now, its forever.
I love all for your quirks and things that make you, you. I love that you think i can read your mind. I love that you can not see me for a couple of hours and then when you see me again, you will fill me in on every little detail that i missed as if your life depended on it.
I love that you call it a heat seater instead of a seat heater. I love that you cant say the word refidex.
I love that you are the most caring, thoughtful, kind and loving person i have ever met. You always put other people first, you always go out of your way to make sure others are happy.
I love that it is my job, my privilege, to make sure thay you are happy, that you feel cared for, that you feel safe, that you feel supported, and that you feel loved. Because that is how you make me feel each and every day.
I promise to always put you first.
I promise to listen to all of your stories, even if you have already told them to me already.
I promise to give you the best of myself.
I promise to grow with you.
I promise to respect you.
I promise to love you always.
Jane today I give you my hand and my heart. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. I love you